Fun and Easy Natural Makeup Tutorial

By Alexis Stephenson

Have you ever looked down the makeup aisle and were taken aback by all the varying products?  Have you ever been confused about what an eyeliner is, or how to apply concealer?  While makeup is not for everyone, it can be used as a means to feel confident for some. It is important to note that wearing makeup enhances your beauty and is not to be used as an excuse to mock others who choose to wear it.  While some may be experts at wearing makeup, others may not be; after searching various tutorials and learning first-hand, here is an easy-to-follow procedure for a natural make-up look!

1.  First off:  Moisturizer.

On freshly washed skin, apply moisturizer to your face and neck.

2.  Next:  Foundation!

Apply foundation (that matches your skin; you may want to apply to the back of your hand to test it out first).  Make sure to apply it all over your face in order to create an even appearance.  This can be applied with a brush or your fingers in a gentle manner.  Remember, you don’t want to plaster too much on or else you’ll create lines!

3.  Next up:  Brows!

This is a personal preference and it is completely optional. Make sure you take your time with your eyebrows as they frame your face.  A method used by many is to outline the shape of the eyebrow with a brown eyeliner pencil and once you achieve the desired look, outline the brow with a black eyeliner pencil as you fill in your eyebrow as well.  Keep in mind that everyone does their brows differently, so find a method that works for you.

4.  On to the eyes!

What you can do is grab a light brown eyeshadow and apply it to your eyelids.  Next, apply a dark brown eyeshadow and outline the eyelid crease. Make sure you blend this eyeshadow (you can experiment blending on your skin if you wish).  If you do not blend it, it may appear too harsh.  Blending is really simple, so relax; all you have to do is simply sweep over your crease until it appears softer with the eyeshadow brush or finger.

5. Now: Eyeliner.

Eyeliner may seem terrifying but don’t worry, it’s really easy actually.  First, you have to pick which type of eyeliner to use. There’s gel, an eyeliner pencil, a felt-tip eyeliner, and liquid eyeliner.  Yikes, right? For beginners, a regular eyeliner pencil is recommended as it is flexible to use.  To start things off, close one eye.  Line your lash line with the pencil.  This can be a thin or thick line, depending on your comfort level. You may choose to do your top line only if you feel comfortable to do so. If you want to line your bottom lash line, make sure to start halfway in the middle and travel outwards to the corner of your eye.

6.  Last step:  Mascara!

Start at the root of your eyelashes.  Simple sweep mascara over your eyelashes in an upwards manner.  You can use however much you want.  Make sure you don’t apply to much as it can cause clumps – which you definitely don’t want! You can buy a special brush to comb the clumps out if you wish to do so.

Remember, you were beautiful before you started, and you’re still quite beautiful afterwards!  Stay tuned for more makeup tutorials.

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