Do you need more sleep?

by Allie Mackenzie

Ever find yourself working away on homework and find your eyes starting to droop? You turn to the clock and to your horror, you realize: it’s 1 am.  You start asking yourself, “How?!” You find yourself 10x more tired than you were when you fell asleep.  Do you need more ways to get more sleep so you feel more energized and awake in the morning? Here are some simple ways to do just that.

1.  Set up a regular sleep schedule that you can be consistent with.  

-Attempt to develop a sleeping pattern that is appropriate for your needs.  Go to sleep at a time that is right for you and will keep you attentive and awake the whole day.

-Wake up at the same time every morning. If you have trouble getting out of bed, set an alarm fifteen minutes before your usual alarm.  By doing this, your body is semi-awake and you are prepared to get ready for the day.

-Take short naps.  Napping is an excellent way to recharge after a long day and has been proven to enhance performance. Aim for a few 20-minute naps.

2.  Spend more time in the sunlight.  

-Although this has been difficult with all of the snow and cloudiness, exposing your body to more natural light makes your brain energized and alert.  One way to spend more time in the sunlight is to keep your curtains/blinds open and work from the natural light.

-At night, turn off your television, computer/laptop, and phone.  The harsh lights cause your brain to be working when you are trying to sleep.  Also, try and keep your room as dark as possible.

3.  Keep the space you are sleeping in relaxing.

-By having a relaxing environment, you will have a deeper and more peaceful sleep.  A relaxed environment sends signals to your brain that it’s time to unwind.

-Keep noise down.  If you prefer sleeping to music, create a playlist that is designed for relaxation, such as classical music or instrumental.

-Make sure your space is cool and comfortable.  The temperature of your room actually affects your sleep quality.

-Only make your bed for sleeping.  Your brain will not know to sleep if you associate it with other things, like work.

-Do some relaxing things before going to sleep, such as taking a bath.

4.  Eat right and exercise often. 

-Stay away from huge meals at night and avoid drinking a lot of liquids. Fatty foods can keep you awake, and spicy foods can cause heartburn and upset stomach. Also, drinking a lot of liquids can cause frequent trips to the bathroom, interrupting your sleep.

-Cut down on your caffeine intake.  Did you know that caffeine can cause sleep problems up to 12 hours after drinking it? Cut back on how much you consume.

-If you feel hungry before bedtime, eat a granola bar or a banana.  Foods similar to these calm the brain, allowing a better sleep.

-Exercising for 20-30 minutes daily contributes to a more peaceful and deep sleep.

After reading some tips on obtaining a better sleep, apply them to yourself and try them out.

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